Doesn't Fit In Anywhere Else But Still A Saddle!

If you see a saddle or ten that you like the look of, or even if you hate them all, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. (Details available on the Contact Us page). We try not to sell saddles simply on what you think you need and always prefer to fit to you and your horse because that's often a different story altogether! Saddle fitting can be done at your place or mine and is included in the price of any saddle of €200 or more within 30 miles. If you spend less or live further fees start at €30 to cover petrol. Also included is a 14 day full money back happiness guarantee. If you want to go it alone that's fine too, saddles can be posted out for €20, full refund on safe return within 14 days. 

23. I love this relic of days gone by, before the invention of plastic. Full tree race exercise lightly used, english leather, treat it well and it might even give you a tip or two if it knows any horses who are not retired. €150

© 2017 Hogbens Saddles & Harness Makers, Seskin House, Seskin, Upperchurch, County Tipperary, Ireland
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