What is Close Contact?
Close contact refers to the distance the rider is away from the horse so means a saddle with a thinner panel (the padded bit underneath). They come in most disciplines, not always jumping as is often thought and they can have flocked panels although are often foam filled.
Why aren't all saddles Close Contact?
Close contacts tend to have narrower bearing surfaces as well as thinner padding, this is why I do not recommend them for long hours in the saddle as the pressure per square inch is necessarily greater. Therefore they are not ideal for long distance or long days hunting. Some horses conformation does not lend itself to this type of panel which works better on a flatter back.
Why don't you use the D to D measurement for saddle width?
Because saddle makers put the d's wherever they like so it is a very rough guide only. Dressage saddles may not have any d's at all as dressage riders do not usually need to take sandwiches or hunting horns. Often the tree width will be stamped on the near side stirrup bar but every saddle is different and also depends on how much flock it has.

How many dogs HAVE you got?
4. This is the Last Chance Hotel and it is extremely difficult to get a place here. References will not help you, in fact if you have references it's not us you need.
Do I need a Jumping/Dressage saddle, or do I just want one?
For most riders a well sized GP will do most of it. If you want to treat yourself that's great but extremely forward or extremely straight saddles can be quite restrictive and not always suitable for long hours so hang onto your GP. Specialist saddles will give you an advantage and greater security in your chosen discipline, so enjoy.
How should I care for my saddle?
Buy a big padlock and never be too lazy to use it. You could also buy some saddle soap - I am converted to soft soap - and use it as often as you can. If your saddle gets wet dry it naturally and condition with soap, occasionally the thicker leather - skirts and flaps - can be lightly oiled.
Which numnah/saddle pad?
That is personnel choice, I recommend a saddle which fits the horse with a thin numnah or pad to keep it clean. A thick pad will not make a saddle fit - on the contrary it can be like putting thick socks in your shoes which are already too tight. At best risers, mattresses and sofa cushions are an emergency measure. Stick with natural fibre if you can - cotton, wool etc.

So many girth straps, which ones to choose?
If you have a peek up there where the straps are fixed on the majority of saddles have a separate fixing point for the first strap, the other two being on the same web. This is for safety so always use the first one and one of the others in case something snaps. I usually recommend first and last to give the saddle maximum stability.
If the saddle has more than 3 this is to help it sit level. Get some help to sort out which straps to use and then mark with electrical tape to help you identify the same straps each time.

VSD, VSS what's that about?
These are German terms and refer to the cut of a saddle. I think of VSD, popularly believed to mean Very Slightly Damaged, as Very Slightly Dressage it being a bit straighter than a GP (Vielzweck , multi-purpose, Springen, jumping, Dressage). VSS can then be considered Very Slightly Show Jumping, being a bit more forward than a GP (Vielzweck, multi-purpose, Springen, jump and presumably more jump).
When I buy a saddle how do I know it will fit?
You don't. If you are buying a used saddle even two of the same make, size and age will not fit the same. That is why all our saddles over €200 include fitting.
Do you have any scrap saddles?
Of course I do. They get used for garden sculptures, re-enactment costumes for Roman Soldiers, stool toppers, horse foot pads, the limits are your imagination. Just let me know if you want one, €10 each but they come with the straps cut off so that they don't find their way back onto a horse - they are scrap for a reason.
How long before I collect my repairs?
This is one I should probably ask you. In the normal run of things you will get a text when your repairs are ready. It would be kind of polite to pick up within a couple of weeks, space is a bit limited and I have to prioritize work in progress, dog beds etc. Three years is a bit too long although you wouldn't be the first and please don't be too embarrassed to collect however long it is as I just need to move stuff.